Cokin Wide Angle Filter Holder (BPW400A)
Cokin Wide Angle Filter Holder (BPW400A)
Kameraz, Stonemill Office Park
South Africa
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The Cokin P Series Filter system is suitable for larger diameter lenses up to 82mm and is recommended for focal lengths from 28mm onwards (35mm format). It features a wide range of adaptor rings, including dedicated Hasselbad® B50/B60/B70, Rollei® VI as well as a Universal Ring and numerous dedicated accessories. This extra slim holder helps to eliminate vignetting down to 20mm focal length (35mm format) and allows the use of filters with super wide lenses.
Cokin BP400A P Series Wide-Angle Filter Holder with Catalogue
There are two types of filter holders available - The P400 P Series filter holder (SKU: 1013825) and the BP400A P Series Wide-Angle Filter Holder (the one you are looking at now)
1) The P400 P Filter-Holder is the ideal filter holder to avoid vignetting on 35mm format lenses. Up to three filters can be used to create a unique effect.
1) The BPW400A P series wide-angle holder is an extra slim holder that helps to eliminate vignetting down to 20mm focal length. Can hold 1 filter and allows the use of filters with super wide lenses (focal lengths under 20mm) 35mm format.
There are over 140 filters to choose from in the range. The most popular are:
1. Polarizers - Designed to eliminate unwanted reflections and darken skies.
2. Graduated - Add colour to a scene by using a Cokin graduated filter to enhance a dull sky, or use a Sunset filter to add warmth.
3. Pastels and Diffusers - Ideal for portraits, still life and landscapes, to create a moody atmosphere and a softer effect.
4. Warm-up Filters - Add warmth to a portrait shot, giving improved skin tones.
5. Colour Filters - Colour correction filters are available, as are Neutral Density filters and filters specifically designed for use with black and white film.
6. Optical effects - There is a wide range of filters available to add special effects to photographs, such as Starbursts, Multi-image, close-up, Rainbow, Double exposure etc.