What is the FotoBuZzAh! category?
FotoBuZzAH! Equipment is a collection of second-hand photographic gear that we have collected over months and years and sell off at regular intervals in the year. While most of the equipment is in working condition some items may be a bit worse for wear. While we try to indicate any particular damage/condition on specific products we may not accurately describe each item.
If you are in doubt when purchasing a product from this category you are more than welcome to contact the store (011 880 2885 / info@kameraz.co.za) and ask more about the product. We will try to assist you with further information as best we can. We can even arrange a viewing of the item in-store if you want. But please remember we have moved this event online in the interests of social distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. So wherever possible please try to contact us remotely first and see if we can answer your queries that way.