Boxed as New - Xmas Special 2018

Boxed as New - Xmas Special 2018

To quote Elvis, 'it's now or never' - this for our last"Boxed as new " Xmas Special for the year.


To quote Elvis, 'it's now or never' - this for our last, "Boxed as new " Xmas Special for the year.

Our list features some interesting new items (Fujifilm gear), plus some elite equipment for that very special breed, the Pentax-Proud photographer.

MACRO Bonanza for Canon users:

  • SIGMA ART 70mm/2.8 MACRO(full frame lens) + NISSIN MF18 TTL Macro Flash @R9999
  • NISSIN MF18 TTL Macro Flash @ R5280.
  • Demo stock, fully guaranteed. Limited quantities.




Terms and Conditions

- The Boxed As New Sale is only valid for December 15&16, 2018. 
- All items will only be available in store and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. No pre-orders / reservations will be allowed on any of the items to give everyone a fair chance on the day. You will be able to queue outside the shop ahead of opening time in order to secure a specific product.
- The shop will open from 09:00am on both days (Sat & Sun).